Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

September 28, 2022

How to Spot the Signs and Provide Support 

There are many different facets of suicide. As I’ve mentioned before, my blog exists to offer support and awareness among my readers. My hope is that through education, understanding, and support, we can create a safe environment for difficult conversations and provide encouragement to those who are dealing with an emotional or mental health crisis.  

First, if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, know that you are not alone. It’s common for those dealing with mental health conditions and suicidal thoughts to feel like they are alone, but there is support available both online and in your local community. This year, the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline was created as part of a national effort to provide immediate support.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis, immediately call or text 988 or visit for help. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is a network of 200+ crisis centers that provide 24/7 service to anyone experiencing a suicidal crisis or emotional distress.


September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (SPAM). In an effort to destigmatize and raise awareness of suicide, it’s important that individuals and their loved ones are able to find the comfort, support, and resources they need during challenging times. 

Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone, and they are not limited to any age, gender, ethnicity, or social background. If left untreated, mental health conditions may lead to suicidal ideation when thinking about or planning suicide. The thoughts might or might not include a plan to die by suicide. So being aware of suicidal thoughts, signs, and prevention early on is vital and is a definite indication that you need professional help

Here are a few ways we can take the initiative to end the stigma surrounding suicide:

  • Be open to discussing the topic and create a safe environment for challenging conversations. 
  • Let friends, family, and colleagues who struggle with suicidal thoughts know they’re not alone.
  • Consistently offer support to those facing mental health challenges. 
  • Provide helpful resources to individuals and family members dealing with suicide or any suicidal thoughts.

By actively and openly having conversations about suicide, we can ensure that individuals and their loved ones feel safe and supported through crises related to this and other mental health crises.


As part of their prevention efforts this year, The Jason Foundation — an organization ​​dedicated to preventing the “silent epidemic” among children and teens — is helping raise awareness and provide education about suicide. Their campaign, #iwillnotbesilent, encourages individuals to use their voices on social media to help destigmatize the often taboo subject and provide emotional support to those in need. Elyssa's Mission is another organization founded in 2006 and specifically focused on preventing teen suicide with an impressive record of developing programming for schools and working closely with communities and educators.

The issue of suicide risk is especially prevalent among LGBTQIA+ teens and young adults because they face hardships and discrimination. The Trevor Project is an online organization that is committed to providing support and assistance specifically to the LGBTQ community, especially young adults and teens.


While suicide and its many nuances can feel isolating, you and your loved ones don’t need to face a mental health crisis alone. An abundance of resources are available for individuals, their friends, and their families. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing emotional distress, here are a few online resources that can offer help:

1. Contact the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline for immediate help — call or text 988 or visit to chat online.

2. The National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) is a great resource for mental health crises, and they have an abundance of information on suicidal thoughts including the following:

3. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is an online resource that specifically provides information for those experiencing a mental health crisis related to substance abuse and other mental health issues.


I want you to know that there’s always hope and a light at the end of the tunnel, even when it doesn’t feel like it. Suicidal thoughts are not something you have to face alone, and seeking support in times of distress can help you and your family navigate through challenging times.

As a health and patient advocate, sometimes all it takes is asking for help and taking one step forward to get to a better place! Having the courage to face a mental health crisis takes courage, and you don’t have to do it alone!

I am here to provide you and your family with the support necessary for challenging situations and hope to offer you comfort and peace of mind in such times. If I am not the right resource, I will do my best to direct you to more appropriate resources depending on your situation including professional treatment. It is normal to feel guilt, anger, and/or depression in these situations. Seeking professional help can help you process these feelings and lessen their impact on your daily life. 

Wishing you good [mental] health,



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